模塊6 Unit 2 What is happiness to you?
Important phrases:
1. 使某人高興 (P17) make sb happy
2. 盡量幫助某人 try to help sb
3. 在某方面取得成功 (P18) achieve success in sth
4. 實現一個目標 meet / achieve a goal
5. 因為做某事而感謝某人 thank sb for doing sth
6. 在逆境中 in difficult times
7. 為而感到驚訝 be amazed by sth
8. 萬一 in case
9. 參加體操錦標賽 compete in the gymnastic tournament
10. 除了 apart from
11. 把某人自己奉獻給 devote oneself to sth
12. 把未來的幸;癁榕萦埃 P19) cost her her future happiness
13. 被快速送往一家頂級醫(yī)院 be rushed to a top hospital
14. 鼓勵某人 cheer up
15. 精神狀態(tài)良好 in good spirits
16. 克服失落感 overcome one’s disappointment
17. 以為驕傲 be proud of
18. 適應她的新生活 adapt to her new life
19. 保持樂觀 stay positive
20. 一系列的問題 a series of questions
21. 更好地理解 give sb a better understanding of
22. 注意某人 take note of
23. 對生活有個好態(tài)度 (P21) have a good attitude towards life
24. 由于 due to
25. 只要 so long as
26. 嫉妒某人 (P22) be jealous of sb
27. 努力獲取 (P23) go for
28. 對滿意 be content with
29. 對感到厭倦(P26) be tired of
30. 回顧(P30) look back on
31. 在前面 ahead of
32. 在那個階段 at that point
33. 急切地 in a rush
34. 解決很多問題(P31) fix many of the problems
35. 幫助某人做某事 assist sb with sth
36. 自己作決定 make one’s own decisions
Important sentences
37. To some, happiness is being surrounded by family and friends.
38. Our guest today is Dr. Brain, a psychologist who has written several books about happiness and the things people do to keep themselves happy.
39. I’ m going to talk about how to find happiness.
40. While she was injured and in hospital, the world was amazed by the way she remained cheerful.
41. By the time she competed in the gymnastics tournament at the New York Goodwill Games, she had been a dedicated junior gymnast for eleven years.
42. She was rushed to a top hospital in New York and specialists from many parts of the world said that because of her severe injuries, she would never walk again.
43. I know I will think about how she rebuilt her life whenever my life feels unbearable.
44. All I had to do was go to school and spend a few hours studying when I came home.
45. My most vivid and happiest memories are those of school days.
46. When I imagine my future, I see myself successful in my job and surrounded by my family.