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Do you feel like your life could be happier? You know things are going okay, but you just feel that they could be better.你有沒有覺得日子還能再開心一些?雖然一切也都還好,但你就是覺得可以更好。
I truly believe that it completely hinges on our perspectives. Only you can decide if you are going to be happy. This also ripples its way into other areas of our lives.我確信一切取決于心態(tài)。只有自己才能決定自己快樂與否。生活中的其他方面同樣如此。
So what are some easy ways that you can quickly set your mood and attitude for the day?那么,怎樣才能迅速調整一天的心態(tài)和心情呢?
Try these techniques to bring greater happiness and success into you and change your life today:試試下面這些方法,從今天起就過得更快樂、更成功,讓你的生活煥然一新吧:
1. Start each day by making a list of things you’re grateful for.列個感恩清單,用感恩開啟每一天。
You can do this while you’re lying in bed just before you get up, in the shower, or while driving to work. Can you create a grateful habit?起床前躺在床上時、淋浴時或開車上班時,你就能搞定。養(yǎng)成感恩的習慣,你做得到嗎?
2. Love life, not stuff.愛生活,而不是物質。
Simpler is better. The feeling of excitement when you buy something wears off pretty fast, so focus more on living your life and create memories. The quality of your life itself is what will bring you the most happiness, not the quantity or quality of your stuff.簡單的生活更美好。購物的興奮感很快就會消逝,何不用心經營日子,營造美好回憶呢!生活的品質在于什么能讓你最開心,而不是你擁有多么多、多么昂貴的物質。
3. Be patient. 請耐心。
Enjoy the journey of creating the life you desire. Each day will bring you one step closer.學會享受創(chuàng)造你所希望的生活的過程。這樣,每天你都能離目標更近一些。
4. Believe and have faith in yourself. 相信自己,對自己有信心。
Life is much more pleasant when you have faith in yourself. Remember: You’ve probably already done things that are much more difficult than just about anything you may still wish to accomplish. Do you need more motivation?若你對自己充滿自信,生活會變得快樂很多。請記住:你已經著手的事情可能比你期望達到的目標還要有挑戰(zhàn)性呢。你是否需要更多動力呢?
5. Smarter not harder. 更智慧,而不是更刻苦。
We often believe that anything worthwhile requires a lot of work. That’s definitely not true. Why do you think we have such big brains? So we can use them of course. Really, I think we often make things much harder than they have to be.我們總以為任何有價值的事情都得嘔心瀝血才行。其實根本不是那回事兒。你以為人有大腦干嘛來著?當然是動腦筋嘍。說實話,我覺得人們總愛把事情搞得復雜困難無比。
6. There’s no such thing as failure.沒有失敗這回事。
Each time your plans fall short, learn from the experience, and continue moving forward. The knowledge gained only makes you more capable in the future.計劃落空就吸取教訓繼續(xù)前行。 學到的知識只會讓你日后更有能力。
Adjusting your attitude and making these changes isn’t easy, but it pays off. Your attitude affects your perspective, what you notice, and what you fail to notice. By adjusting your attitude, you can shift your whole reality!調整心態(tài)做出改變并非易事,但努力不會白費。心態(tài)影響看問題的角度,決定你注意什么又忽略什么。只要你調整心態(tài),就能讓自己煥然一新哦!