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學(xué)英語作文 篇1
no signs, where the soft, unbroken snow seemed to advertise solidity beneath, tee man broke through。 it was not deep。 he wet himself halfway to the knees before he floundered out to the firm crust。
he was angry, and cursed his luck aloud。 he had hoped to get into camp with the boys at si oclock, and this would delay him an hour, for he would have to build a fire and dry out his foot-gear。 this was imperative at that low temperature--he knew that much; and he turned aside to the bank, which he climbed。 on top, tangled in the underbrush about the trunks of several small spruce trees, was a high-water deposit of dry firewood--sticks and twigs, principally, but also larger portions of seasoned branches and fine, dry, last-years grasses。 he threw down several large pieces on top of the snow。 this served for a foundation and prevented the young flame from drowning itself in the snow it otherwise would melt。 the flame he got by touching a match to a small shred of birch bark that he took from his pocket。 this burned even more readily than paper。 placing it on the foundation, he fed the young flame with wisps of dry grass and with the tiniest dry twigs。
he worked slowly and carefully, keenly aware of his danger。 gradually, as the flame grew stronger, he increased the size of the twigs with which he fed it。 he squatted in the snow, pulling the twigs out from their entanglement in the brush and feeding directly to the flame。 he knew there must be no failure。 when it is seventy-five below zero, a man must not fail in his first attempt to build a fire--that is, if his feet are wet。 if his feet are dry, and he fails, he can run along the trail for half a mile and restore his circulation。 but the circulation of wet and freezing feet cannot be restored by running when it is seventy-five below。 no matter how fast he runs, the wet feet will freeze the harder。
all this the man knew。 the old-timer on sulphur creek had told him about it the previous fall, and now he was appreciating the advice。 already all sensation had gone out of his feet。 to build the fire he had been forced to remove his mittens, and the fingers had quickly gone numb。 his pace of four miles an hour had kept his heart pumping blood to the surface of his body and to all the etremities。 but the instant he stopped, the action of the pump eased down。 the cold of space smote the unprotected tip of the planet, and he, being on that unprotected tip, received the full force of the blow。 the blood of his body recoiled before it。 the blood was alive, like the dog, and like the dog it wanted to hide away and cover itself up from the fearful cold。 so long as he walked four miles an hour, he pumped that blood, willy-nilly, to the surface; but now it ebbed away and sank down into the recesses of his body。 the etremities were the first to feel its absence。 his wet feet froze the faster, and his eposed fingers numbed the faster, though they had not yet begun to freeze。 nose and cheeks were already freezing, while the skin of all his body chilled as it lost its blood。
but he was safe。 toes and nose and cheeks would be only touched by the frost, for the fire was beginning to burn with strength。 he was feeding it with twigs the size of his finger。 in another minute he would be able to feed it with branches the size of his wrier, and then he could remove his wet toot-gear, and, while it dried, he could keep his naked feet warm by the fire, rubbing them at first, of course, with snow。 the fire was a success。 he was safe。 he remembered the advice of the old timer on sulphur creek, and smiled。 the old-timer had been very serious in laying down the law that no man must travel alone in the klondike after fifty below。 well, here he was; he had had the accident; he was alone; and he had saved himself。 those old-timers were rather womanish, some of them, he thought。 all a man had to do was to keep his head, and he was all right。 any man who was a man could travel alone。 but it was surprising, the rapidity with which his cheeks and nose were freezing。 and he had not thought his fingers could go lifeless in so short a time。 lifeless they were, for he could scarcely make them move together to grip a twig, and they seemed remote from his body and from him。 when he touched a twig, he had to look and see whether or not he had hold of it。 the wires were pretty well down between him and his finger-ends。
all of which counted for little。 there was the fire, snapping and crackling and promising life with every dancing flame。 he started to untie his moccasins。 they were coated with ice; the thick german socks were like sheaths of iron halfway to the knees; and the moccasin strings were like rods of steel all twisted and knotted as by some conflagration。 for a moment he tugged with his numb fingers, then, realizing the folly of it, he drew his sheath-knife。
but before he could cut the strings, it happened。 it was his own fault or, rather, his mistake。 he should not have built the fire under the spruce tree。 he should have built it in the open。 but it had been easier to pull the twigs from the brush and drop them directly on the fire。 now the tree under which he had done this carried a weight of snow on its boughs。 no wind had blown for weeks, and each bough was fully freighted。 each time he had pulled a twig he had communicated a slight agitation to the tree--an imperceptible agitation, so far as he was concerned, but an agitation sufficient to bring about the disaster。 high up in the tree one bough capsized its load of snow。 this fell on the boughs beneath, capsizing them。 this process continued, spreading out and involving the whole tree。 it grew like an avalanche, and it descended without warning upon the man and the fire, and the fire was blotted out! where it had burned was a mantle of fresh and disordered snow。
the man was shocked。 it was as though he had just heard his own sentence of death。 for a moment he sat and stared at the spot where the fire had been。 then he grew very calm。 perhaps the old-timer on sulphur creek was right。 if he had only had a trail-mate he would have been in no danger now。 the trail-mate could have built the fire。 well, it was up to him to build the fire over again, and this second time there must be no failure。 even if he succeeded, he would most likely lose some toes his feet must be badly frozen by now, and there would be some time before the second fire was ready。
such were his thoughts, but he did not sit and think them。 he was busy all the time they were passing through his mind。 he made a new foundation for a fire, this time in the open, where no treacherous tree could blot it out。 net, he gathered dry grasses and tiny twigs from the high-water flotsam。 he could not bring his fingers together to pull them out, but he was able to gather them by the handful。 in this way he got many rotten twigs and bits of green moss that were undesirable, but it was the best he could do。 he worked methodically, even collecting an armful of the larger branches to be used later when the fire gathered strength。 and all the while the dog sat and watched him, a certain yearning wistfulness in its eyes, for it looked upon him as the fire-provider, and the fire was slow in coming。
when all was ready, the man reached in his pocket for a second piece of birch bark。 he knew the bark was there, and, though he could not feel it with his fingers, he could hear its crisp rustling as he fumbled for it。 try as he would, he could not clutch hold of it。 and all the time in his consciousness, was the knowledge that each instant his feet were freezing。 this thought tended to put him in a panic, but he fought against it and kept calm。 he pulled on his mittens with his teeth, and threshed his arms back and forth, beating his hands with all his might against his sides。 he did this sitting down, and he stood up to do it; and all the while the do,g sat in the snow, its wolf-brush of a tail curled around warmly over its forefeet, its sharp wolf
學(xué)英語作文 篇2
My Good Friend—Jane
I have a new classmate, whose name is Jane. She is one of my good friends now.
Jane is a pretty girl with a round face, twinkling eyes and rosy cheeks. Her long hair lies back in curls from her delicate ears. Jane wears glasses and is usually dressed in plain colors.
Jane is a book addict and never spends a day without reading. The books she reads range from classical poems to modern novels. She also loves singing and dancing. Her marvelous voice and appealing dance make her one of the most popular girls in our school.
Apart from her striking looks and wide range of hobbies, Jane has an outstanding performance at her studies. She is ambitious and aggressive. She aims really high. And we all believe that she is always a pride for her family, friends and teachers.
學(xué)英語作文 篇3
I am in the fifth grade, I study Chinese, math and English. My teachers leave many homework every day. After school, I stay in school doing homework about one hour. I go back home, after I eat my supper, I start doing homework again. I often sleep at eleven o’clock in the evening, because I have so many homework.
學(xué)英語作文 篇4
The environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces.
Must solve this problem must start from foundation.
First, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection consciousness.
Next, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-tree's felling.
Also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic product.
Finally, must make improvement to clean aspect.
Causes the city's appearance to be neater.
For Earth's tomorrow, we must start from the now diligently, will want the well local constable to protect the environment.
To this us proposes as follows suggests: Implementation trash classification packed in bags.
Like this not only can reduce the environmental sanitation worker's work load, but also can even better basically arrive makes use of waste, to reduce the pollution, saves the resources.
學(xué)英語作文 篇5
學(xué)英語作文 篇6
I guess the reason this question take this long time to argue is that some guys really want a long holiday, but some guys will prefer going back home in the traditional festival to have meal with their family. So, which one do I prefer?
In fact, although a long holiday sounds attractive, the day for rest is actually the same, I would like the second idea, which is still going on at this moment, because China is a country with a longest history in the world, when we are having holiday with our family in the festival, it's actually a respectful to our history, which is a respectful to our country.
I guessed that would be really important to a cultural country like this.
學(xué)英語作文 篇7
Help others you also can be joyful, is a trivial things will also make yourself feel happy.
Remember when my third grade, a language examination it if I know "helping others, happy yourself" meaning.
This day I hurried from the drawer take out three ball-pens, just got in the classroom. Come to the classroom soon bell rang "000" class, the teacher also follow here, in this moment students stopped discourse, from the bag out books to sit quietly on the desks and chairs, books. Disguise
"Start the test" the teacher's words sound just fell, we'll put the desk retrieval empty, they left a pen, a cushion the cardboard.
In the exam, everyone was doing at, then my leader patting my shoulder, side whispered, "xiao fine you have a few pen? Can you lend me one?" Borrowed, "I'm not happy about it, but I think of helping others, happy yourself, helpful, my hands and flat, not to hear my words, automatically put pen handed it to my leader.
After the test, when I heard leader said to me, thank you when I feel alacrity.
The day I understand the "helping others, happy" meaning. As long as you help others, in your most helpless time they will help you.
China, a country with an ancient civilization, self-help is the traditional virtue, as the most beautiful songs rap "a star willing to help others heart, the most happy is a help others..."
學(xué)英語作文 篇8
death of etremism results from death of social care to move or not to move, a dilemma that had been plaguing weng biao for two months was finally resolved in a burning way. with his two-room shack knocked down by the government's bulldozer, weng made a desperate attempt of pouring a can of gasoline on himself and sparking a fire.he was dead,which raised the tension between the government and the inhabitants to move greater than ever. so who is to blame? no specific culprit but the society itself. it is the ill social response to those in need that led to the behavior of etremism and the ensuing un
weng's story typifies the buddyship between social instability and etreme behavior. the bulldozer not only pulled down the family's shelter but their last hope of getting the justice done as well. without home, without fear. it is the boldness from despair that ignited the wanton breach of social rule, which basically comes in the form of etreme behavior like self-burning. turmoil, the state of rulelessness,thus started.
but where's the society? has it ever done something to stop the tragedy? no! all we can see is silence till the burning day.and the worse is yet to come. in the case of zhang inpin, a depressed boy who jumped out of the building to death because of wowing from the spectators.society simply facilitates the sad end by inducing the victim to the etreme.
throw the cards of neglect and instigation into the trash bo, and we get the trump. that is the care for others. if weng biao had been given a chance to pour his worry to somebody and that person offered to lend a hand, the fire could probably have been avoided even though the demolition went on. why? because a sense of being cared about is gained. weng, formerly fought by himself, now found something to rely on. similarly, if the society approaches the etremist-to-be, listens to his suffering and does some supportive things (comforting words, donation.., an ything will do), the horrible decision, once as stiff as a poker,will mostly be given up.
yet, the problem is not over. what if the etreme behavior really happens? which role should the society play?
first, the dignity of the victim himself deserves full respect.blaming the victim for his stupidity only irritates the kind of people sharing the same suffering.
second, the cause of the event should be publicized if it has anything to do with most people's interest. otherwise, rumors will erode people's trust in the society while turmoil can well be stirred up by the widespread aniety.
last, the problem that brings about the tragedy is supposed to get a solution. it can be the establishment and modification of laws, or simply more attention to the group of people in need.
it counts how we do to curb the etreme behavior for the sake of social stability. the best policy, as i said before, is to care for the people in trouble, make the event known to the public if necessary and heal the defect hidden behind.
學(xué)英語作文 篇9
The annual qingming festival is coming, today the teacher took us to the main mountain park grave, one to the, nine characters greeted "cixi revolutionary martyr memorial hall".
Ascend the stairs, we go to the martyr's monument was panting after a while, the teacher let everybody up, followed by Xu Lei and I speak, just listen to "spring flowers table grief, pine and affectionate dicui." I follow up "infinite grief infinite affection, hero the tomb of the hero." It is offering to read verses of revolutionary martyrs, LieShiBei like willo revolutionary martyrs, LieShiBei beside hits the conifers soldiers guarded them, like a CenYu flourishing spirit to go to LieShiBei branch flag, after each of the flower, we respectfully LieShiBei in front of her, and then we observed a minute of silence, at that time I thought of many revolutionary martyrs die, some even left no name. Here is on behalf of the speech, I the deepest impression is we should good good study, day day up, this is for the guarantee of the martyrs, I want to ensure that good good study, day day up. Next is our oath: let us remember this solemn moment, let us remember this solemn commitment, we want to make martyrs with blood flags, flying in the blue sky of the motherland forever. Finally a lap later went down the mountain.
The greatness of the revolutionary martyrs was born, died a glorious death.
學(xué)英語作文 篇10
Dear Ann,
When it comes to which major you should choose, I propose that you apply for the major of English. To begin with, English is the most popular language in the world, which is widely used in all fields such as teaching, translation, foreign trade and so on. What’s more, it goes without saying that English majors are more likely to find a good job in the tighter and tighter job market.
In order to study at English Department, you have to meet the following requirements. In the first place, you have to spend a lot of time on it, just as the old saying goes, “Practice makes perfect”. In the second place, the basic skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking are necessary, because they are the foundations for your future study. Last but not the least important, you need an intense interest in learning English since “interest is the best teacher.”
As far as the preparation work is concerned, you should first of all review all the required vocabulary. In addition, you’d better spend some time on reading and writing. Only through these measures can you hope to enroll in our university.
Li Ming